Saturday, December 29, 2007

my guitar hero...

my guitar hero...
Originally uploaded by doyle family of keller

so my wife and i have established that we can't get a video game system... my son and I, mainly me, are way too a.d.h.d and we would never get anything done... it would be too distracting and i basically would never sleep...

we have played the wii on occasion and tonight the 360, guitar hero rocks, literally and figuratively... and i played for an hour and was completely hooked...

we with electronic addictions understand the perils of emmersing ourselves too deep into things / toys of the electronic persuasion... for example, if you could log the hours i spend on my blackberry and actually get paid for that time, i could retire yesterday...

hasta luego...

seƱor td

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


Anonymous said...

Go, Sarah!! =)

Anonymous said...

Good words.