Sunday, July 20, 2008

Carter's new haircut...

Well Carter is officially a Doyle boy... His hair was long enough to put into a pony tail, so it was time to get it cut...
I've been working on Sarah about shaving his head, and she finally relented... Rick, my pastor, helped out too, by convincing her it would look good...
Sarah thinks he looks cute, a little like a cancer patient, but still very cute...


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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

We're here...

We're here...
Originally uploaded by doyle family of keller
We found out our flight was delayed at dfw because a lavatory had overflowed and spilled into the cabin of the plane... Well worth the wait to get that cleaned up...
We're actually descending as I type this and it is quite bumpy... We hit a lot of turbulence during the flight... we'll be pulling into the gate around 10.15 costa rica time, 11.15 at home...
Never mind, the captain just came on and said we are in a holding pattern for another 30 min... I wonder what God is trying to teach us out of the gate with such patience testing exercises...
We hit the ground running tomorrow, please pray for our safety as we go white water rafting... Most of the kids have told me this will their first time, they have quite an experience ahead of them... Pray that we will grow together and bond with this high energy, high intensity activity...


señor td

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Monday, February 04, 2008

boys will be boys...

The whole nature vs. nurture argument always intrigued me... I have a good friend who tried the whole "no guns" approach with their son, and he made them out of chicken nuggets and "shot" people with his creations... He had never seen a gun before... Why do boys just do boy stuff and girls do girl stuff?...
We were at the park with Carter and he ran to the wheel, full of glee and delight... He turned that steering wheel over and over, while making appropriate car-type noises... It was insanely cute...
señor td

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Maybe there is hope...

you know those moments in family life when you catch a glimmer of things to come... those opportunities to see that the really bad days and phases will pass, and your child will return to himself... we had a few of those this weekend...

first, landrey helped pump the gas... big deal right?... not so much, he told aby, who also volunteered to help, that this was a man's job to do and that the girls needed to just sit back... maybe its sinking in...

second, he played with aby... like dress up, he actually did her hair... and didn't try to kill her in the process... an amazing feat...

hasta luego...

señor td

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