Wednesday, November 21, 2007

the dps experience

So I have been taking my tests to get my cdl to drive the cougar bus for our boys at cca, and because of that I'm getting to spend so quality time at the dps, for those non-texans substitute dmv here. The shortest wait I've had has been one hour, and that was just to retake some written tests. And now I'm sitting in the parking lot staring at a butt load of cars absolutely dreading going in there. First of all is the smell, a putrid mix of hospital and nursing home, I keep looking around for some octagenarians on beds wearing diapers. Second, yesterday I counted 5 different languages being spoken. I love Spanish and I'm absolutely intrigued by language, so this was like total brain overload as I tried to listen and figure out which language was being spoken and who was speaking it. This practice just got me a ton of weird stares and I think I learned how to cuss in korean. So here I go, off to another beautiful multi-cultural experience... Wish me luck, or providence, which ever...

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